
Mark webber actor stumptown
Mark webber actor stumptown

mark webber actor stumptown
  1. Mark webber actor stumptown series#
  2. Mark webber actor stumptown tv#
mark webber actor stumptown

I doubt anyone will be rallying behind Webber in this case. You're pretty much demanding the studio apologize the "angry fraus" for a business decision.

Mark webber actor stumptown tv#

By saying that Mark is not attractive enough (which I highly doubt was the case, by the way.it was probably just a creative difference, but that's not what was tweeted and the network hasn't corrected that impression, though it should if it wants to save its reputation among fraus), they are essentially saying ugly fraus are too ugly to be featured on TV and given success and that won't fly in fly over country. You vastly underestimate the attention span of angry fraus, especially when they are personally insulted.

mark webber actor stumptown

It makes you wonder was he drunk or on drugs while posting. He's had a long career in Hollywood which makes this outburst totally idiotic. Too bad Webber's attitude makes him sound like an insolent brat. I wish there were fewer pretty boys and more men who looked like him on TV. I think Webber is not bad looking and has possibilities. Mark's not wrong about network TV's self inflicted death, but he's ruining his own career in order to tell the truth and share sour grapes with his followers. If this isn't addressed soon, short term, the show will flop, and long term, broadcast will be in near extinction by the end of the next decade. TV executives may be shallow, but they aren't dumb and they know money comes from these fraus that they need. It may be true that people want to see attractive people on TV, but they also want to see ugly people who look "like them" as well (hence why Melissa McCarthy, Rebel Wilson, Kevin James and Chrissy Metz work). If they want to survive as a business, they are going to have to address this. This is bad for the long term business of broadcast to leave these types of accusations unanswered. They are already mad at Hollywood and network TV (part of why ratings have plunged in recent years) and this type of stuff serves to further alienate them. R58 You vastly underestimate the attention span of angry fraus, especially when they are personally insulted. It will be a lot more lucrative for him in the long run and there's nothing Hollywood executives can do to stop him. If he were smart, he'd transition into SJW Youtuber and air more grievances about white privilege and feminism while grifting middle aged fraus for cash. He was essentially a nameless actor who looked like a bunch of other people like Patrick Fuget and Brendan Fletcher competing for the same roles.

mark webber actor stumptown

On the flip side, no one knew who the hell he was before all of this occurred. I give zero fucks what filthy rich executives at huge corporations think about me. She became a radical revolutionary leader. It won't matter because the damage is done and I think he realizes that deep down, hence this quote. I wish the writers, producers and cast nothing but love. I feel sad that by expressing my own bad experience with the show I was fired from, that it could interfere with the positive experience the actors & creatives that are still on the show should be having. Why else would he have posted this follow up tweet? That's going to leave a lot of angry actors and crew people who will blame their own unemployment in this fickle business on Mark's complaining sabotaging the show. Middle aged fraus (the primary TV audience) will feel like Hollywood is attacking them personally if Mark is considered ugly by their standards. No one even knows what this show is all about, but it will forever be tainted by these complaints and viewers will boycott as a result.

Mark webber actor stumptown series#

It's bad enough that he dared to call out the executive types for essentially fucking him over (you know they don't take that well), but now the whole entire series is tarnished by his complaining. Let's be honest, this dude is going to get blackballed now.

Mark webber actor stumptown